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Why should I join the Frankford Alumni Association?


So let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Let’s keep it 100.  

Here’s the real question.


Are you hungry for innovative ideas, new business techniques

and creative styles?


Imagine getting them from those who walked the same hallways

and ate in the same cafeteria, while navigating this thing called

young adulthood. 


Yikes!  You remember those days...or maybe you’re in the thick

of it now.  


Your shared school experience for three or four years have

diverged into a multitude of paths that are literally within your

reach through your Frankford Alumni Association. 


It’s true Frankford alum…your school home is

where your young adult heart stays.


We're right here waiting for you.   We're in this life's

journey together.  Can you afford not to tap into

Frankford's information mecca?  Nope.


We are the Past, Present and Future…


Together we embody the 20th and 21st centuries. 

Our past created doctors, lawyers, army generals,

navy admirals software CEOs, musicians,

children's book illustrators and owners of health

care businesses. 


Our past also trained electricians, chefs, small

business owners, teachers, authors, government

employees, nurses...  


That’s right…a rich mixture of service and leadership

came from inside Frankford's walls. 


Our present is busy fulfilling these professions

and more, adding a new millennium upgrade energized

by new trends.  


And our future…well, there's no limit what trailblazing

pioneers can accomplish when they set their minds on



We get excited just thinking about the wealth of

experiences and those soon to be—that are only a

phone call, Skype, networking event, reunion, email,

text, etc., away. 


In this website re-launch alone…


You'll get intriguing insight into the mind of an Army

Lieutenant General. 


Another alum shares how Frankford prepared her

for a corporate training career at an investment

management company.  


Or perhaps you're experiencing reunion planning

woes?  Not to worry, you’ll get some great reunion

tips from a recent chairperson who boogied in

your shoes.


Curious about a teaching career at the primary or

college level? You’ll step inside the world of

a 38-year teaching veteran—an alum who’s during

both at the same time.  Wow!


Perhaps you want to attract employers or business

with your Linkedin profile. You'll get tips on how to

tell an engaging story that stands out from the digital



Let’s look at your alumni association like this. 

We’re our own superhighway of resources without

ever touching a computer. 


But if you like touching computers, can’t live without

your smartphone and dig cyber-surfing,then we've

got something for you right here. 


Either way, we got you.


After all, you are a Frankford trailblazing pioneer. 


Nice to meet you.


Now come on and join the alumni party! 


We’ll leave the disco ball on for you!


Yes, I want to reconnect with the Frankford who

new me when, and travel this life's journey together! 


Just print and fill out the membership link below 

and you're on your way to increasing your

network connections! 


Fight on...Frankford!










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